GUATEMALA 危地馬拉 | Chimaltenango San Martin Jilotepeque "Flor de Cafe" SHB EP Fairtrade | Washed 水洗
GUATEMALA 危地馬拉 | Chimaltenango San Martin Jilotepeque "Flor de Cafe" SHB EP Fairtrade | Washed 水洗

GUATEMALA 危地馬拉 | Chimaltenango San Martin Jilotepeque "Flor de Cafe" SHB EP Fairtrade | Washed 水洗

Code: ZC081R5
Regular price HK$100.00 HK$0.00

In San Martin Jilotopeque (Chimaltenango region of Guatemala), 45+ smallholder producers work with Cooperativa Integral San Martineca Flor de Café (Flor de Café) to cultivate Fairtrade specialty coffee whose profits they use to improve their livelihoods and their communities.
Flor de Café works with member farmers to establish sustainable, ecologically friendly farms. Coffee trees are shaded with fruit trees and other native plants. Farmers use living barriers to prevent soil erosion. These plant barriers also provide fodder for their goats. Flor de Café has helped members with steeper farms to create terraces, dikes and ditches. In addition to coffee, most members also grow avocadoes, bananas and jocote, a fruit tree that can be eaten raw, pickled or prepared with a jam and serves with chilies and salt. The cooperative has also helped farmers establish alternative income and sustenance streams including beekeeping and goat herding.

在危地馬拉San Martin Jilotopeque地區,45個小農生產者與Cooperativa Integral San Martineca Flor de Café (簡稱Flor de Café)合作,種植公平貿易精品咖啡豆,以所得利潤改善生計和社區。
Flor de Café這合作社與農夫一起建立可持續、對生態友善的農場。咖啡樹獲其他果樹及原生植物遮蔭;農夫以天然屏障來防止水土流失,這些植物屏障亦為他們的山羊提供飼料。Flor de Café更幫助陡峭的農場建造梯田、堤壩和溝渠。除了咖啡以外,大部分農夫亦會種植牛油果、香蕉和紅酸棗。紅酸棗可生吃、醃漬或加果醬、鹽和辣椒一起食用。合作社還會幫助農民增加收入,包括養蜂和放羊。

Region 產區:

Sub-region 小區:
San Martin Jilotopeque

Farm 農戶/Coop 合作社/Station 加工場:
Cooperativa Integral San Martineca Flor de Café

Varietal 品種:
Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Caturra, Typica

Processing 處理法:
Washed 水洗

Altitude 高度:
1,788 meters above sea level

Grade 級別:
Strictly Hard Bean (SHB)
Euro preparation (EP)

Roast level 烘焙度:
Dark Roasts 深烘焙 

Flavor 風味:

San Martin Jilotopeque這款咖啡很適合日常飲用,價格合理,平衡,焦糖,楓糖,李子和一丁點令人難以忘懷淡淡的煙草氣息,深焙有美妙回甘。冷卻之後亦非常柔順!

This coffee from San Martin Jilotepeque makes a nice daily drinking coffee, bittersweet and balanced with toffee, maple, hint of prune, tobacco and earthy spices. Revealed a sweet and smooth aftertaste after cool down!

Freshly roasted in Hong Kong

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