Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Worka Chelichele G1 Honey 衣索比亞耶珈雪菲沃卡切切擂G1蜜處理咖啡豆 (200g)
Code: ZC105R5
Packing: 200g (Whole Beans) | 包裝:200克 (原豆)
Roast level 烘焙度:
Light Roast 淺烘焙 🟤⚪⚪⚪⚪
Flavor 風味:
Honey citrus black tea, round, silky and in great harmony. Reminds you the essence of a good third wave coffee.
Region 產區:
Yirgacheffe, Gedeb, Worka Chelichele
Farm 農戶/Coop 合作社/Station 加工場:
Worka Chelichele Washing Station
Varietal 品種:
JARC varieties , Local Landraces
Grade 級別:
Yirgacheffe Honey Gr. 1
Processing 處理法:
Honey 蜜處理法
Altitude 高度:
1,945 to 1,970 meters above sea level
海拔1,945 - 1970米
Brewing Suggestions:
Method: Hand Drip
Grind Size: Medium
Suggested Ratio: 1:16
Brewing water Temperature: 91-93°C
Brewing Time: 2 - 2:30min
Gedeb, a district named for its largest town, in the Gedeo Zone in largely agrarian. According to a 2007 census, about 11% of the population lived in urban areas. The rest of the population lives in rural areas and are predominately subsistence farmers. Families typically farm small plots of land near their homes and intersperse food crops with coffee and other cash crops.
The majority of coffees grown in Gedeb are local landrace varieties (which are often also called Ethiopian heirloom). Other varieties grown in the region were developed by the Jimma Agricultural Research Centre (JARC). JARC is an important research center for Ethiopia and has done a great deal of work on developing disease resistant and high yielding varieties that still demonstrate quality in the cup.
Most farmers in the region farm on fewer than 5 hectares (many counting their coffee farms in terms of trees rather than area). Cultivation methods are traditional for the most part, with coffee being grown as part of an integrated ‘coffee garden,’ intercropped with other food crops.
Farming methods in the region remain largely traditional. Yirgacheffe farmers typically intercrop their coffee plants with other food crops. This method is common among smallholders because it maximizes land use and provides food for their families.
In addition to remaining traditionally intercropped, most farms are also organic-by-default. Farmers in Yirgacheffe typically use very few—if any—fertilizers or pesticides. Most farm work is done manually by the immediate family.
To capitalize on the magnificent climate, Worka Chelichele provides training to help farmers produce better quality cherry. Training focuses on procedures for harvesting and transporting cherry.
Harvest & Post Harvest
Farmers selectively handpick cherry and deliver it to Worka Chelichele washing station. At the station, employees hand sort incoming cherry to remove any under- or over-ripes or damaged cherry. Then, parchment and remaining mucilage is transferred to some of the station’s 360 raised drying beds. Coffee is raked frequently to ensure even drying. All drying beds are marked with a code that makes it simple to keep track of traceability and processing status.