BRAZIL Cerrado Natural 巴西喜拉多日曬咖啡豆 (200g)
Code: ZC079R5
Packing: 200g (Whole Beans) | 包裝:200克 (原豆)
Roast level 烘焙度:
Medium Dark Roast 中深烘焙 🟤🟤🟤🟤⚪
Flavor 風味:
Red fruits, caramel, round and full body, sweet finish.
Region 產區:
Varietal 品種:
Processing 處理法:
Natural 日曬
Altitude 高度:
1200 meters above sea level
Grade 級別:
New York Method (NY2)
Screen size 16/18
The Barbosa family has been cultivating coffee since the 1900s, when current owner, Danilo Barbosa’s, great-grandfather, Elias Barbosa purchased the farm. Three generations later, Danilo and his family are as dedicated as ever. This Brazil has red fruit, rich in body with refined sweetness.
This lot from Producer Danilo Barbosa scored highly in the Treasures of EXPOCACCER quality competition.
Brewing Method: Filter, Espresso, French Press etc.
沖煮方法:適合手沖, 意式咖啡機,法式濾壓等。